お子様用の靴下に針と糸がセットになったギフトです。 履き心地がやわらかな靴下に、元気に育つ願いを込めてひと手間かけた贈り物を差し上げてはいかがでしょうか。 柄やイニシャルはもちろん、かかと部分を縫ったり、片足ずつ色を替えたり。世界に一つのとっておきのプレゼントになるはずです。

Cotton 80%
Nylon 15%
Polyurethane 5%


The socks for children, the needle, and threads became a set for the gift. How about putting a wish as grow up vigorously and presenting soft socks are put a little effort? As the example of effort, you can sew patterns, initials, and heel part, or you can change the color of thread by one leg. Maybe it will become only one much-valued present in the world.