1本の糸だけでなく、何本かの糸を合わせて太めにステッチができる、太めのサイズの縫い針です。 布通りがなめらかになるメッキ仕上げで、ざっくりスムーズな縫い心地です。 いろいろな色を組み合わせて縫うこともできるので、いつもと違った縫い物を楽しんでみて下さい。

Steel 100%


It is a sewing needle of thicker size which sets not only one thread but some thread, and can do a stitch more thickly. Since it finished by plating so that a needle might pass along cloth smoothly, the sewing feeling is roughly and smoothly. You can combine several colors and sew, so please enjoy the sewing different from usual.