プリントしたTシャツに自分で刺繍をして柄を仕上げるギフトです。 素敵な柄を加えてみたら、世界に一つの大切な宝物となるはず。 お子様がいろいろな姿勢になっても着脱しやすいように肩の部分にボタンが付いているので安心です。 このままギフトとして差し上げても良いですが、喜んだ顔を思い浮かべながら針を刺す時間も楽しいものです。

Size 90cm

Cotton 100%


It is a printed T-shirt to finish with the embroidery on your own. Maybe it will become only one important treasure in the world by adding nice patterns. Even if a child becomes various postures, it is easy to put on and take off as the shoulder part of one side is stopped with buttons. Although you can give as a gift as it is, time to sew while remembering the face bucked will also be fun.